Friday, July 6, 2018

Concours IRIC Cameroon 2018-2019: Regional Integration and Management of Community Institutions

Concours IRIC Cameroon 2018-2019: 
Peace – Work – Fatherland

Concours IRIC Cameroon 2018-2019: Regional Integration and Management of Community Institutions


To launch the competitive entrance examination into the Professional Postgraduate (Masters) Cycle in International Relations, Major in REGIONAL INTEGRATION AND MANAGEMENT OF COMMUNITY INSTITUTIONS of the International Relations Institute of Cameroon (IRIC Cameroon) of the University of Yaounde II, for the 2018-2019 academic year.


A competitive entrance examination for the selection of Thirty five (35) students for admission into the Professional Postgraduate Programme (Masters) Cycle in International Relations, Major in Regional Integration and Management of Community Institutions, of the International Relations Institute of Cameroon (IRIC Cameroon) has been launched for the 2018-2019 academic year. The examination shall take place on 12 september 2018 in the unique centre of Yaounde. The number of places available 35 (Thirty five). Concours IRIC Cameroon 2018-2019:

Paper one shall comprise two parts, based on the candidate’s knowledge of international relations and current international economics issues, and paper two, based on language (French for English speaking candidates and English for French speaking candidates). The candidates will be definitively declared successful after the oral examination which is reserved for those who will pass the written one.

Conditions to be fulfilled:

  • Be of Cameroonian nationality (foreign candidates are admitted out of the fixed quota).
  • Be less than thirty-two (32) years on 30th August 2018. However, candidates who are workers recommended by their employers, can compete out of the number of places fixed above. They will be subjected to special age and financial conditions; Concours IRIC Cameroon 2018-2019:
  • Be holder of at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Law, Political Science, Economies, Arts and Social Sciences or any other equivalent university diploma recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education.
  • Candidates are expected to be in front or the examination rooms thirty (30) minutes before the beginning of each test, with their national identity cards.
  • Deadline for the reception of complete application files is Friday 10th September 2018 at 5pm at the Student Records offices. Incomplete files and files that are deposited after the deadline shall be rejected.

Application files:

Complete application files should comprise the following documents:

  • A registration form to be obtained from the Student Records Office at IRIC or from the websites of the Ministry of Higher Education: http// and/or of IRIC
  • A certified true copy of the candidate’s birth certificate issued not more than three months ago.
  • A certified true copy of the highest diploma including transcripts certified by the relevant academic authorities.
  • A medical certificate.
  • A curriculum vitae; Concours IRIC Cameroon 2018-2019
  • A passport size photograph (4 x 4).
  • A receipt of twenty five thousand (25.000) CFA  Francs for regular candidates and thirty thousand (30.000) CFA Francs for candidates who are workers, representing the registration fees (for the examination) ; The money should be paid into account N° 10002 00069 90000231495 93  entitled IRIC/CONCOURS at SCB 20th May Branch (opposite MINESUP).
  • A certificate of non-conviction issued not more than three (03) months ago.
  • A self-addressed envelope bearing a 500 FCFA  postage stamp.
  • A recommendation letter from the employer for candidates who are workers.

NB.: The payment of the said examination fees depend on the deliverance of a clearance form by the bursar of IRIC after verification of the candidates file by the Student Records Office of IRIC.

Written examination: Concours IRIC Cameroon 2018-2019.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018:
9:00 to 12:00 a.m. Paper I: International Relations and Regional Integration Issues.
2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Paper II: Language

The oral examination will be scheduled later. Deadline for the reception of application files: Friday 10 September 2018.

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