Friday, June 29, 2018

2018-2019 Concours IMIP of Maroua: 3rd year Masters in Engineering degree



Decision N° 18.00462 /MINESUP/SG/DAUQ/SDEAC/SE of 19 JUIN 2018

To launch the competitive entrance examination into the 1st Year of the 1st Cycle of the Institute of Mines and Petroleum Industries of the University of Maroua for the 2018/2019 academic year. 

The application form can be downloaded from here!


Mindful of

– the Constitution.
– Law No 005 of 16 April 2001 on the orientation of Higher Education.
– Decree No 20111408 of 9 December 2011 to organize the Government.
– Decree No 2011/410 of 9 December 2011 to appoint the Government.
– Decree No 2008/280 of 9 August 2008 to create the University of Maroua.
– Decree No 93/027 of 19 January 1993 to lay down the general provisions governing Universities, modified and completed by Decree No 2005/342 of 10 September 2005.
– Decree no 2008/281 of 9 August 2008 on the administrative and academic organization of the University of Maroua. 
– Decree No 2008/458 of 29 December 2008 to appoint the Rector of the University of Maroua. 
– Decree No 2012/433 of pt October 2012 to organize the Ministry of Higher Education. 
– Decree No 2012/33 of 29 June 2012 to appoint a Vice-Chancellor and Rectors of some State Universities.
– Decrees No 2012/365 and 2012/366 of 6 August 2012 to appoint officials in State Universities.
– Decree No 20 13/0891/PM of 12 March 2013 to appoint officials in the Ministry of Higher Education.
– Decree No 2013/333 of 13 September 2013 to create Establishments in the University of Maroua.
– of order No 18/00091/ MINESUP /SGIDAUQ/ SOEAC/SE of 22 February 2018 to organize the calendar of competitive entrance examinations into Faculties, schools and Institutes of Cameroon State Universities for 2018-2019 academic year. 2018-2019 Concours IMIP of Maroua: 3rd year Masters in Engineering degree.
– of the entrance examination into establishments of State Universities in Cameroon for the 2018/2019 academic year.
– Upon the proposal of the Rector of the University of Maroua.


Article 1:

 A competitive written examination for admission into the 3rd year of the Masters in Engineering degree at the Faculty of Mines and Petroleum Industries (FMIP) of the University of Maroua is launched, for the 2018-2019 academic year, in the following series:

Article 2:

The competitive entrance examination is organized in a single session for Cameroonians of both sexes and who are holders or the bachelor in physics, in mathematics, in geology, in chemistry, in economies, in management, in geography, in plant biology, in biochemistry, in technology or Bachelors in Engineering degree for one of the series available in the Faculty of Mine and Petroleum Industries (FMIP).

The table below indicates the type of Bachelor to be able to sit in for the examination:

Article 3:

 Candidates fulfilling the same academic conditions may exceptionally apply for admission as private students following a study of their files and based on the number of places available. Such candidates shall be liable to contribute to the cost of their training by paying tuition which amount shall be established by a special text.

Article 4: 

Foreign candidates from the CEMAC Zone who qualify to be treated as nationals and who also have similar academic qualifications as nationals can be admitted through the study of their documents depending on the number of places available.
Foreign candidates who are not from the CEMAC Zone shall follow the same condition as stipulated in article 3.

Article 5 :

Candidates concerned with articles 2 and 4 .1. must not be more than 32 years old as from 1st January 2018.

Candidates concerned with articles 3 and 4. 2. must not be more than 40 years old as from 1st January 2018.

Article 6 :

Candidates’ files shall comprise all the following documents:

  • A Registration form obtainable at the Main Office of the Institute of Mines and Petroleum Industries of the University of Maroua, at the Regional delegations of the Ministry of Secondary Education, at the Examination Centres stipulated in Article 8 and from the internet website of MINESUP: 
  • A certified true copy of the birth certificate dated not more than three (3) months ago.
  • A certified true copy of the Baccalauréat or the GCE Advanced Level, or any equivalent certificate recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education, dated not more than three (3) months ago, or a Success Testimonial signed or certified by competent authorities. Failing which, this document shall be required before the issuance of the end-of-course certificate;
  • A certified photocopy of the bachelor , or an equivalent diploma/certificate recognized by the Minister of Higher Education, dated not more than three (03) months ago, or a Success Testimonial signed or certified by the competent authorities. Only candidates sitting for the 2018 Bachelor are authorized to write the examination awaiting the required diplomas/certificates ; however, where the case arises, their final admission
  • shall be possible only on the presentation of proof of having obtained the required diploma/certificate within the date limits specified by the competent authority.
  • A Medical certificate issued by a medical doctor of the Public Administration, certifying that the candidate is apt to pursue higher education.
  • A certificate of Non-conviction (Bulletin n° 3) dated not more than three (3) months ago.
  • A receipt showing payment of Twenty thousand francs (20.000 CFA F) as examination fees, issued by the Bank SCB Cameroun Bank code: 10002, Cashier Code: 00033, Bank Account number 90000258006, CLE RIB 58. No other mode of payment shall be accepted.
  • An A4 size envelope bearing a 400 CFA F postage stamp and the candidate’s exact address.
  • Four (4) passport size photographs.
  • An authorization from the respective Ministers for candidates who are currently civil servants .

Article 7: Candidates who are holders of foreign diplomas/certificates have to present the decision of equivalence issued by the Minister of Higher Education.

Article 8 : 

Complete files shall be deposited either at the Divisional delegation for Secondary Education of Mfoundi for Centre Region; regional delegation for Secondary Education for other regions or at the Secretariat of the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology of Dschang, or at the Secretariat of the Dean of the Faculty of Science in Bambili, or at the Faculty of Mines and Petroleum Industries (Admissions Service) latest Monday 3rd September 2018.

Article 9: The examination shall comprise:

Written papers (accounting for 70%).
A mark on school attendance (accounting for 30%).

Article 10: The written examination session shall be conducted on Sunday 9th September 2018 in the following centres: Bambili, Buea, Douala, Dschang, Kaele, Maroua, N’Gaoundéré and Yaoundé 1.

Article 11: The written examination is divided as follows:

The exarnination syllabuses are those of the Bachelor in the required field.
The examination paper written long 5 hours and is marked on one hundred and twenty (120) marks.

Article 12: The mark for school attendance shall be allocated based on the following criteria:

the candidate’s age.
the number of years spent to obtain bachelor.
marks obtained at the three transcripts first, second and third year.

Article 13:

At the end of the written examination and after recording the mark for school attendance, the jury shall establish, according to series and in order of merit, the tentative list of candidates for admission.
The candidate’s admission cannot be carried forward from one academic year to another.

The final admission will be published by the Minister of Higher Education.

Article 14: 

The composition of the jury cited in article 13 above shall be established in a special text by the Minister of Higher Education.

Article 15: The examination fees are non-refundable.

Article 16 : The Rector of the University of Maroua, the Director of University Accreditation and Quality are, each in their respective capacities, charged with the execution of this decision which shall be recorded and published in French and in English wherever need arises.

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