The Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform
In view of the Constitution.
Given the Decree No. 75/777 of 18 December 1975 on the particular status of the Corp of officials of industrial
Given the Decree No. 94/199 of 7 October 1994 concerning the general status of the Public Service of the State, as amended and supplemented by Decree No. 2000/287 of 12 October 2000.
Given the Decree No. 2011/408 of 09 December 2011 on organization of the Government.
Given the Decree No. 2011/410 of 09 December 2011 on formation of the Government.
Given the Decree No. 2012/ 537 of 19 November 2012 on the organization of the Department of the Public Service and Administrative Reform.
Given the decree n°2OOO/696/PM of 13 September 2000 laying down the general regime of administrative competitions.
Article 1:
A)-This stopped door opening a direct competition for the recruitment in the body of officials of Techniquesdes Telecommunications next the distribution below: concourcameroon
1. Seven (07) Telecommunication Engineers, category "A" second grade of the Public Service.
2. Ten (10) engineers of the work of telecommunications, category "A" first grade of the Public Service.
3. Fifteen (15) Telecommunications Techniciensdes, category "B" first grade of the Public Service.
B)-The said competition will take place on 22 and 23 October2016 to the single center of Yaoundé.
CONDITIONS TO BE FULFILLED to make an act of candidacy.
1- General Conditions:
Can make an act of nomination, the Cameroonians of both sexes fulfilling the following conditions:
• Meet the general requirements for access to public jobs and the conditions laid down by the General Status of the Public Service of the State.
• To be able to take on the work of the techniques of Telecommunications;
• Be age of seventeen (17) years at least and thirty-four (34) years at most to 1 January 2016 (to be born between 01/01/1982 and 01/01/1999).
2- Specific conditions:
• For candidates to the admission in the framework of the Telecommunication Engineers, be the holder of the diploma of engineer telecommunications or a diploma recognized as equivalent, issued by a
National training institution or by one of the foreign schools international or appearing on a list to be fixed by order of the Prime Minister.
• For candidates to the admission in the framework of the engineers of the work of telecommunications, be the holder of the diploma of engineer of the work of the telecommunications or a diploma recognized as equivalent, issued by a national training institution or by one of the foreign schools international or appearing on a list to be fixed by order of the Prime Minister.
• For candidates to the admission in the framework of the technicians of telecommunications, be the holder of the Diploma of Technician of telecommunications or a diploma recognized as equivalent, issued by a national training institution or by one of the foreign schools international or appearing on a list to be fixed by order of the Prime Minister.
Article 3:
COMPOSITION OF THE Candidature Files.
The candidature files that will be received complete and against receipt to the Department of the Public Service and Administrative Reform, the direction of the Development of Human Resources of the State, service of direct competition and award (4th floor, doors 405 and 409) or in the regional delegations of the same department, service of recruitment and training up to the Friday 07 October 2016, period of rigor, must understand the following parts:
1. A registration card stamped at one thousand (1 000) CFA francs, including print is available in the services of the Department of the Public Service and Administrative Reform or in the regional delegations of the same department and downloadable on the Internet site: concourcameroon
2. A certified copy of the birth certificate signed by a competent civil authority.
3. An extract from the "judicial record, Bulletin No. 3.
4. A certified copy of the diploma required, signed by a competent civil authority.
5. An attestation of submission of the original of the diploma required, signed by a competent civil authority.
6. A medical certificate issued by a doctor of the public sector.
7. A receipt for the payment of the sum of fifteen thousand (15000) CFA francs issued by the Chief of Service of direct competition and exchange or by the Head of Service of recruitment and training in the regional delegations of the Department of the Public Service and Administrative Reform.
8. Two (02) Photos 4X4.
9. A stamped envelope to five hundred (500) CFA francs to the address of the candidate.
10. The candidates agents of the State under the Labor Code and fulfilling the conditions laid down in Article 2 must provide a copy of the labor contract or commitment decision.
11. Any incomplete file, delayed or whose parts are signed in a police station will not be accepted. Concourcameroon
12. The parts legalized by an administrative authority, municipal or judicial proceedings should be dated of less than three (03) months from the date of the deposit of the records.
Article 4: Competition recruitment of 32 techniques of telecommunications.
Programs, schedules and modalities for the conduct of the written tests.
1. The programs of composition are those of the cycles of studies issuing diplomas required to make an act of candidacy. Concourcameroon
2. The tests of eligibility for the candidates for recruitment in the framework of the Ingénieurs Telecommunications, of the engineers of the work of telecommunications and technicians of telecommunications, will be held on the dates and hours below:
2016 Tests - concourcameroon Schedule Duration Coef. Note eliminatory
22-Oct General culture 08h-12h 4h 03 05/20
22-Oct Technical Test No. 1 13h-17h 4h 05 05/20
23-Oct Technical Test No. 2 08h-12h 4h 04 05/20
23-Oct Language 13h-15h 2h 02 05/20
• The time limit for access in the rooms is always set to 7 hours precise.
Article 5:
Terms of conduct of the oral tests.
A press release of the Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform will specify the dates and schedules of passage of the oral tests of final admission for the candidates of the categories "A" and "B".
Dates Nature of the tests Coef Schedule
To determine Big Oral Examination 01 From 08h00
Of oral language. 01
Article 6:
The final results of this competition will be published by a decree of the Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform.