Saturday, January 26, 2019

Press release to launch the april 2019 session of the Higher National Diploma (HND) exam.

Paix  - Travail-  Patrie
Peace - Work - Fatherland


The 2019 session of the Higher National Diploma (HND) Exam is launched with effect from the date of signature of this press release.


The April-June 2019 session of the Higher National Diploma (HND) exam shall take place in the following four (4) centres: Bamenda, Buea, Douala and Yaoundé. Other examination centres cou Id be created if conditions so permit.

The Higher National Diploma Exam shall be organized  in two phases:

• Practical examination  in April

• Written examination in June

However, for the conduct of the exam in sorne specialities, the grouping of candidates could be done in the various above-mentioned centres if infrastructural constraints so impose. The candidates concerned shall be informed indue course.


ILl Application Modalities

II.1.1 Candidates to the HND national exam may be either internal candidates or external candidates.

II.1.2 The status of internai candidate shall be reserved for a candidate (new or old) presented by an accredited establishment and who can show proof of two years of training in an approved HND cycle.

II.1.3 The status of external candidate shall be reserved for a candidate who has failed one or several sessions of the HND exam and who is not presented by an establishment.

II.1.4 The application file shall comprise the following documents:

a) Internal candidates
  • A personal information sheet fi lied by the candidate on the website This form, along with the registration number of the candidate, shall be printed, stamped at the rate in force and signed by competent authorities ;
  • Transcripts of the first and second year of the HND cycle signed by competent authorities ; 
  • A clear certified true photocopy of the secondary school leaving diploma : Brevet de Technicien (Vocational Training Certificate), Baccalaureate, General Certificate of Education! 
  • Advanced Level obtained in a single session in at least two subjects, excluding Religious Knowledge or an equivalent diploma recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education, ; 
  • A clear photocopy of birth certificate ; 
  • A large self-addressed envelope stamped of the rate in force; 
  • A valid attestation of industrial placement; 
  • A receipt of the payment of registration fees for the examination to the Yaoundé Public Treasury; 
  • A photocopy of online validation  of the receipt; 
  • A receipt of the submission of an equivalence file (for foreign diplomas) ; 
  • The original copy of the authentication of the Baccalaureate by the Cameroon Baccalaureate Board or GCE AIL by the GCE Board. 

b) External candidates

Application  file for the HND exam shall include the following documents:

  • A personal information sheet filled by the candidate on the website This form, along with the registration number of the candidate, shall be printed by the candidate, stamped at the rate in force, duly filled and signed by competent authorities ; 
  • A clear certified true copy of the secondary school leaving diploma : Vocational Training Certificate(Brevet de Technicien), Baccalaureate, General Certificate of Education Advanced Level obtained in a single session in at least two subjects excluding Religious Knowledge or an equivalent diploma recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education; 
  • A clear photocopy of birth certificate; 
  • A large self-addressed  envelope stamped of the rate in force; 
  • A transcript showing that the candidate previously failed the HND (provide a photocopy of the transcript) ; 
  • A receipt of payment of registration fees bearing the field, the speciality, in the na me of Financial Agent of the Department of University Accreditations and Quality(DAUQ), issued by any EXPRESS - EXCHANGE Branch to the address of the "NGOA-EKELE II'' EXPRESS- EXCHANGE Branch in YAOUNDE; 
  • The mark for the internship report or supervised project signed by competent authorities (for candidates who sat for the examination before 2008) ; 
  • A receipt of the submission  of an equivalence file (for foreign diplomas). 

II.2. Registration fees for the exam

II.2.1 For the 2019 session, registration fees have been fixed as follows according to the various categories:

Category A

A sum of thirty two thousand  francs (32 000) CF AF for the following  Specialties  and Options:

  • Accountancy;
  • anking and Finance;
  • idactics, Educational Planning and curriculum Development;n
  • Insurance;
  • Management;
  • MarketingE
  • Executive  Secretarial Studies.

Category B

A  sum  of thirty seven thousand francs (37  000) CF AF  for the  following Specialties and Options:

1. Hardware Maintenance;

2. Software  Engineering and Computing;

3. Print-Journalism

Category C

A sum of fort Y two thousand  francs (42 000) CF AF for the following Specialties  and Options:
  1. Telecommunications; 
  2. Fashion Design,  Clothing and Textiles;
  3. Information and Communication 6. Mechanical Fabrication;
  4. Technology; 
  5. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration. 
  6. Electrical Power System;
  7. Bakery and Food Processing; 

Category D

A sum of forty seven thousand francs (47000) CF AF for the following Specialties and Options, and pending the production by the concerned establishments of a technical document (Terms of reference outlined by the Ministry of Higher Education):

  • Civil Engineering Design 
  • Food Technology;
  • Food Management and Catering 
  • Agro Pastoral Adviser
  • Travel  Agency, tourism  and Operation Management
  • Management of the Farm Enterprise;
  • Hospitality Management 
  • Building Construction  and Rural Road;
  • Agricultural Engineering 
  • Supply  of  Potable  Water  and Hydro Agricultural  Arrangement.

Category E

A Sum of fifty two thousand francs (52 000) CF AF for the following Specialties and Options, and pending the production by the concerned establishments of a technical document (Terms of reference outlined by the Ministry of Higher Education):

  • Medical Laboratory Studies
  • Mining Engineering;
  • Nursing 
  • Nutrition and Dietetics;
  • Health Care Management 
  • Chemical Engineering;
  • Ultra Sonography 
  • Shipping Management;
  • Midwifery 
  • Logistics and Transport Management;
  • Urban Planning and Surveying
  • Wood Work.

II.2.2 The registration fees for any other speciality will be fixed in due course.

II.2.3For internal candidates, the registration fees will be deposited at the Yaoundé Central Treasury by heads of establishments into account number 4504000TGY62

II.2.4 For external candidates, registration fees will be paid at any EXPRESS-EXCHANGE Branch, to "NGOA-EKELE II'' EXPRESS- EXCHANGE Branch in YAOUNDE in the name of Financial Agent of the Department of University Accreditations and Quality (DAUQ).

II.2.5 Registration fees for the examination shall not be refundable


III.I0nly establishments with an authorization to open issued before or in 2017 will be allowed to present candidates for the current session of the Higher National Diploma, in the fields, specialties or options concerned.

111.2 The Heads of those establishments will have to deposit complete application files of their candidates after verification of their names, surnames, date and place of birth at the Ministry of Higher Education, Department of University Accreditations and Quality, Sub-Department of Academie Evaluations and Certifications, Service in charge of Evaluations, 13th floor, latest Friday ISth March 2019.

Furthermore, second year transcripts, internship attestations, the marks awarded for the defence of internship reports, supervised projects shall be deposited with an enclosure slip by Heads of establishments concerned at the Ministry of Higher Education, Department of University Accreditations and Quality, Sub-Department of Academies Evaluations and Certifications, Service in charge of Evaluations latest Friday 3rd May 2019.

111.3 External candidates shall submit their complete application files at the Ministry of Higher Education, Department of University Accreditations and Quality, Sub-Departrnent of Academies Evaluations and Certifications, Service in charge of Evaluations, 13thfloor, latest Friday 15th March 2019.

111.4 The penalty for late submission of application files shall amount to a sum of ten thousand francs(10 000) CFAF per file, for files deposited between Monday 18th March and Friday 29th March 2019.

111.5 No files will be received after Friday 29th  March 2019.

111.6 All heads of establishments must authenticate their candidate's diplomas either with the GCE Board or the Baccalaureate Board. The original of these authentications will be attached to the candidates' file at the moment of registration for the exam.

111.7 All heads of establishments who have not submitted examination papers and their sample answers for subjects relating to ail the specialties authorized and opened in their school at the date specified in the programe will have to do so before registration and against signature (2 proposals per subject).

111.8 All teachers who set papers for practical examination for which basic equipment is required should attach an estimated cost for each candidate.


IV.l ln accordance with the regulation in force, unsuccessful candidates, who obtained mark(s) equal to/or above 10/20 in one or many papers for the 2018 session of the HND examination, shall automatically keep the advantage of the above marks for the 2019 session exclusively.

However, candidates concerned who so desire may apply for the cancellation of this exemption. ln that case, they shall obligatorily repeat the paper (s) concerned; but such candidates shall no longer solicit the taking into account of marks that have been cancelled at their request.

IV.2 All c1aims relating to exemptions, including from external candidates, shall be submitted=r at the Ministry of Higher Education, Department of University Accreditations and Quality,

Department of Academie Evaluations and Certifications, Service in charge of Evaluations, 13 th floor, latest Friday 261h April 2019.

IV.3 After the processing of potential cancellation applications and other claims, the final exemption lists will be available and posted at examination centres, on Friday 3rd May 2019.


After the study of files, the National Committee for the Organisation of National Exams will publish the final lists of candidates authorised to sit for the exam, as from Friday 171h May 2019. Candidates registered in fields that are not authorised by the supervisory ministry in the establishments concerned will not be allowed to take the exam.

Only candidates who are duly registered will be allowed to sit for the Higher National Diploma Exam, with their National Identity Card.

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