Monday, February 25, 2019

Entrance exam at the African School of Meteorology and Civil Aviation (EAMAC), ASCENA 2019

African School of Meteorology and Civil Aviation (EAMAC)



Given the ASECNA convention, signed in Libreville on April 28, 2010, all of the statutes of the Agency;
Considering the decision N ° 2018/001953 / ASECNA / DGDD of November 15th, 2018 reorganization of the EAMAC;
Considering the decision N ° 2018/001942 / ASECNA / DGDD of November 13, 2018 specifying the missions and the attributions of the EAMAC;
Having regard to the MEI N ° 2018/121027 / ASECNA / DGDD of 02 August 2018;
Considering the EAMAC Internal Regulations;

Article 1 st : Subject

It is open for the academic year 2019-2020 the entrance exam to the African School of Meteorology and Civil Aviation (EAMAC), 2019 session, for the needs of Member States having previously expressed as well as for those of ASECNA.

Article 2: Competition Dates and Open Cycles

The competition will take place on Wednesday 22nd, Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th May 2019 in ASECNA Member States and will concern the following cycles and specialties:

  • Engineer's Cycle

Duration of the training: three (3) years

Specialties: - Exploitation of Civil Aviation

  • Meteorology
  • Electronics and IT
  • Higher Technician Cycle

Duration of the training: two (2) years

Specialties: - Exploitation of the Air Circulation

  • Exploitation of Telecommunication Meteorology
  • Electronics and IT
  • Technician Cycle

Duration: nine (9) months

Specialties: - Exploitation of Civil Aviation

Exploitation of Telecommunications Meteorology

Article 3: Terms and conditions of registration and application file

The terms and conditions of registration per cycle, the schedule of examinations and the composition of the candidates' personal file are set out in the annexes attached hereto.

Article 4: Admission criteria

For the cycles Engineer, Technician Superior and Technician

In the limit of open places and according to a merit ranking, the criteria for admission to the competition are set on the following two conditions: not having an eliminatory mark in one of the competition tests and obtaining a general average greater than one average "threshold" set by the jury.

Artide 5: Admission and publication of results

The jury's deliberations allow the jury to determine the list of eligible candidates, in order of merit, cycle and specialty.

This list of eligible individuals is sent to the Direction générale for an opinion.

EAMAC publishes only the results of cycles for which countries have previously expressed needs.

Article 6: Effective date

This Decision shall take effect from the date of its signature and repeal all previous provisions to the contrary.


DGDP (Press Officer)

Civil Aviation Agencies and Authorities

All Representations and Delegations of ASECNA


Registration details

Registration for the EAMAC Competition, 2019 session, will be online from 07 to 28 March 2019 on the site under the heading Entrance Contest (read the information and instructions);
After a validation by the EAMAC, the candidates will be invited to deposit their file with the Local Committee of the Competition for verification of conformity (address to the Authority of the Civil aviation); The display of the final lists in the Contest Centers will be held.

Registration conditions

External candidates:

  • Being a graduate 2nd scientific academic year (DEUG, or DUE L2) or technology (BTS, DUT, DTS) with strong hints in Mathematics and Physics or equivalent degree in the educational systems of non-French-speaking countries;
  • Be under twenty-seven (27) years of age as of December 31, 2018.

Internal candidates (ASECNA and civil aviation and meteorological professionals):

  • Hold a 2nd year university degree in science (DEUG, DUES or L2) or technical degree (BTS, DUT, DTS) or equivalent diploma in the education systems of non-French speaking countries or the diploma of Higher Technician of EAMAC ;
  • Be under fifty-one (51) years of age as of December 31, 2018;

For ASECNA agents: Have a seniority of at least three (03) years at the date of the competition.

A candidate can not apply for the same year in the entrance examination and the admission on title. The application form

admission of a candidate who has registered to pass the entrance examination will not be taken into account.

3. Coefficients of the subjects, eliminatory notes and program of course of tests:
Times in GMT
May 22, 2019
4 hours
07:00 to 11:00
May 22, 2019
3 hours
2 pm -5 pm
May 23, 2019
3 hours
07:00 to 10:00
May 23, 2019
2 hours
* Professional events
May 24, 2019
2 hours
07h - 09h
Bonus x 3


* The professional events are reserved for ASECNA agents and civil aviation and meteorology professionals, they will compose in their basic specialty.

4. Composition of the file: Applications must contain the following documents:

  • A certified copy of the original of the diploma required (EAMAC will carry out an authenticity check in case of admission);
  • A certified copy of the originals of the transcript of the diploma examination submitted. (For candidates still in second year: certificate of enrollment in 2nd year university scientific or technical as well as the (s) record (s) of notes of the first year);
  • A legalized, certified copy of the birth certificate;
  • two recent color identity photos on a white background;
  • the completed individual information sheet (provided when the file is submitted by the Local Contest Committee);
  • for ASECNA agents: written authorization from the ASECNA Representative or the AAN Delegate;
  • for AC / MET professionals: written authorization from the employer and written commitment to take charge of the training by the employer.

Information to the candidates who will be declared admitted: In addition to the parts indicated above, the following complementary pieces will be required when registering at EAMAC:

  • a certified and certified copy of the nationality certificate;
  • a criminal record of less than three (3) months;
  • a certificate of visit and against medical examination

NB: Any false information may be prosecuted.

The Period of submission of the files (only for the declared candidates authorized): from April 12th to May 2nd, 2019 with the local committee of the Contest of the State of residence (address to the Civil Aviation Authority), o Publication of results on Tuesday, July 10, 2019.  EAMAC publishes only the results of cycles for which countries have previously expressed needs.

The final admission of candidates "subject to graduation" will be delivered by EAMAC after production of a certified copy of the certificate of achievement 2® me year presented diploma.

Registration details

Registration for the EAMAC competition, 2018 session, will take place online from 07 to 28 March 2019 on the website under the ENTRANCE COMPETITIONS section (read the information and instructions);

After a validation by the EAMAC, the candidates will be invited to deposit their file with the Local Committee of the Competition for verification of conformity (address to the Authority of the Civil aviation); The display of the final lists in the Contest Centers will be held.

Registration conditions

External candidates:

  • Hold a scientific BAC C, D, S or technological series E or F, or equivalent degree in education systems of non-French speaking countries;
  • Be under twenty-five (25) years of age as of December 31, 2018.

Internal candidates (ASECNA agents and civil aviation and meteorological professionals):

  • Hold a scientific BAC C, D, S or technological series E or F or equivalent diploma in education systems of non-French speaking countries or the diploma of Technician of EAMAC;
  • Be under fifty-one (51) years of age as of December 31, 2018;

For ASECNA agents: Have a seniority of at least three (03) years at the date of the competition.

A candidate can not apply for the same year in the entrance examination and the admission on title. 
The application for admission to the title of a candidate who has registered to pass the entrance examination will not be taken into account.

3. Coefficients of the subjects, eliminatory notes and program of course of tests:
Times in GMT
May 22, 2019
4 hours
07:00 - 11:00
May 22, 2019
3 hours
2 pm -5 pm
May 23, 2019
3 hours
07:00 to 10:00
May 23, 2019
2 hours
2 pm - 4 pm
* Professional events
May 24, 2019
2 hours
07h - 09h
Bonus x 3
the professional events are reserved for ASECNA agents and Civil Aviation and Meteorology professionals, they will compose in their basic specialty.

4. Composition of the file: Applications must contain the following documents:
a certified copy, certified to the original of the diploma required (EAMAC will carry out an authenticity check in case of admission);
a certified copy, certified to the original of the transcript of the diploma examination submitted. (For candidates still in the final year: certificate of registration in scientific terminale as well as the marks of the first class);
a legalized, certified copy of the birth certificate;
two recent color identity photos on a white background;
the completed individual information sheet (provided when the file is submitted by the Local Contest Committee);
for ASECNA agents: written authorization from the ASECNA Representative or the AAN Delegate;
for AC / MET professionals: written authorization from the employer and written commitment to take charge of the training by the employer.
Information to the candidates who will be declared admitted: In addition to the parts indicated above, the pieces

The following additional information will be required when registering at EAMAC:

  • a certified and certified copy of the nationality certificate;
  • a criminal record of less than three (3) months;
  • a certificate of visit and against medical examination

NB: Any false information may be prosecuted.

The Period for submitting applications (for authorized candidates only): from 12 April to 02 May 2019 to the local competition committee of the State of residence (contact the Civil Aviation Authority).

Publication of results on Tuesday, July 10, 2019. EAMAC publishes only the results of the cycles for which countries have previously expressed needs.

The final registration of candidates "subject to graduation" will only be pronounced by the EAMAC after the production of a certified copy of the certificate of success at the LAC.

Registration details

Registration for the EAMAC competition, 2018 session, will take place online from 07 to 28 March 2019 on the website under the ENTRANCE COMPETITIONS section (read the information and instructions);

After a validation by the EAMAC, the candidates will be invited to deposit their file with the Local Committee of the Competition for verification of conformity (address to the Authority of the Civil aviation); The display of the final lists in the Contest Centers will be held.

Registration conditions
External candidates:

  • Hold a scientific BAC C, D, S or technological series E or F, or equivalent degree in education systems of non-French speaking countries;
  • Be under twenty-five (25) years of age as of December 31, 2018.

Internal candidates (ASECNA agents and civil aviation and meteorological professionals):

  • Hold a scientific BAC C, D, S or technological series E or F or equivalent degree in education systems of non-French speaking countries;
  • Be under fifty-one (51) years of age as of December 31, 2018;

For ASECNA agents: 

Have a seniority of at least three (03) years at the date of the competition.

A candidate can not apply for the same year in the entrance examination and the admission on title. The application for admission to the title of a candidate who has registered to pass the entrance examination will not be taken into account.

3. Coefficients of the subjects, eliminatory notes and program of course of tests:

Times in GMT
May 22, 2019
4 hours
07:00 - 11:00
May 22, 2019
3 hours
2 pm -5 pm
May 23, 2019
3 hours
07:00 to 10:00
May 23, 2019
2 hours
2 pm - 4 pm
* Professional events
May 24, 2019
2 hours
07h - 09h
Bonus x 3


'The professional events are reserved for ASECNA agents and civil aviation and meteorology professionals, they will compose in their basic specialty.

4. Composition of the file: Applications must contain the following documents:

  • a certified copy, certified to the original of the diploma required (EAMAC will carry out an authenticity check in case intake);
  • a certified copy, certified to the original of the transcript of the diploma examination submitted. (For candidates still in the final year: certificate of registration in scientific terminale as well as the marks of the first class);
  • a legalized, certified copy of the birth certificate;
  • two recent color identity photos on a white background;
  • the completed individual information sheet (provided when the file is submitted by the Local Contest Committee);
  • for ASECNA agents: written authorization from the ASRECNA Representative or the AAN Delegate;
  • for AC / MET professionals: written authorization from the employer and written commitment to take charge of the training by the employer.

Information to the candidates who will be declared admitted: In addition to the parts indicated above, the following complementary parts will have to be provided during the registration with the EAMAC:

• a certified and certified copy of the nationality certificate;
• a criminal record of less than three (3) months;
• a certificate of visit and against medical examination

NB: Any false information may be prosecuted.

The Period of submission of the files (only for the declared candidates authorized): from April 12th to May 2nd, 2019 with the local committee of the Contest of the State of residence (address to the Civil Aviation Authority), Publication of results on Tuesday, July 10, 2019. EAMAC publishes only the results of cycles for which countries have previously expressed needs.

The final registration of candidates "subject to graduation" will only be pronounced by the EAMAC after the production of a certified copy of the certificate of success at the LAC.

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