Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Special concours recruitement 1000 Grade One Teachers Nursery & Primary 2018-2019 MINFOPRA

Peac – Work – Fatherland.

Special concours recruitement 1000 Grade One Teachers Nursery & Primary 2018-2019 MINFOPRA.

ARRETE No.  007121/MINFOPRA  DU 20 SEP 2018.

To announce a  competitive examination to recruit 1000 (ONE THOUSAND) Grade One Teachers into the corps Of Nursery and Primary Education civil Servants for the 2018 session. 


Section one:

A competitive examination to recruit 500 (Five Hundred) Grade One Teachers of the first grade of the ‘B’ category of the Public Service has been announced. 

The said examination shall take place on the 1st of December 2018  Yaounde, the lone examination centre.

Section 2:

This competitive examination is open for Contract Grade One Teachers, holders of the Teacher’s Grade One Certificate (CAPIEMP), who are at most 40 years of age as of the 1st of January 2018 (be born between 01/01/1978 and 01/01/2001). 

Section 3:

File Composition Concours recruitement 1000 Grade One Teachers.

Candidate’s complete application files shall be submitted, against a receipt, at the Ministry of the Public Service and Administrative Reform, Department of State Human Resources Development, ln-service Competitive Examinations Service (4th floor, Rooms 409 and 405) or in all Regional Delegations of the Public Service and Administrative Reform, latest Friday the 23rd of November 2018. The files shall comprise the following documents:

  1. A registration form bearing a CFA 1000 (one thousand) francs fiscal stamp. The forms can be obtained from the Ministry of the Public Service and Administrative Reform or at all Regional Delegations of the Public Service or download at the following address: www.minfopra.gov.cm
  2. A certified true copy of birth certificate signed by a competent civil authority (Mayor, D.O, S.D.O, Governor).
  3. A certificate of non-conviction, not more than three months old.
  4. A certified true copy of the required certificate signed by a competent civil authority.
  5. An attestation of presentation of original of the required certificate Signed by a competent civil authority.
  6. A medical certificate issued by a public sector Medical Officer.
  7. A receipt attesting payment of a registration fee of CFA 15 000 (fifteen thousand) francs issued by either the Service Head for In-servrce Competitive Examinations at the Ministry or the Head of the Recruitment-and Training Service at the Regional Delegations of the Ministry of the Public Service and Administrative Reform. 
  8. A certified true copy of the recruitment instrument into the Public Service.
  9. 2 (two) passport-size photographs.
  10. An envelope bearing a 500 (five hundred) francs stamp and the candidate’s address.


All incomplete or late files or files containing documents signed by the Police shall be rejected.
The certification of career instruments shall be done by the Ministry of the Public Service and Administrative Reform.

Section 4:

Syllabus and timetable Special concours recruitement 1000 Grade One Teachers.

The syllabuses for these examinations are those applicable for candidates in year three of  Government Teachers’ Training Colleges;
The written and oral parts of the examination shall be scheduled as follows:

a. Written Part.

Date: 1st December 2018
Paper: General Knowledge
             Technical Paper

Candidates are reminded that the“ latest time to arrive in the examination centre is 7:00 a.m. prompt.

Section 5:

Publication Of Results.

The final results of the competitive examinations shall be published through an instrument signed by the Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform.

Section 6: This order shall be registered and published wherever necessary.

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