Saturday, September 1, 2018

HTTTC ENSET Bambili Entrance 2018-2019 3rd Year First Cycle University of Bamenda HTTTC Concours 2018-2019 Cameroon

Peace – Work – Fatherland

ORDER N° 18/00029 /MINESUP / OF 30 August 2018.

To launch the Competitive Entrance Examination and  fix the number of places into the Third Year of the First Cycle of the Higher Technical Teacher Training College (H.T.T.T.C Bambili) of The University of Bamenda for the 2018-2019 academic year. (HTTTC ENSET Bambili Bamenda Concours). 


Mindful of the Constitution;
Mindful of law no 005 of 16 April 2001 bearing on the orientation of Higher Education.
Mindful of decree no 93/026 of 19th January, 1993 to set up Universities.
Mindful of decree no 93/027 of 19th January, 1993 fixing Common dispositions in State Universities. 
Mindful of decree no 2010/371 of 14th December,2010 creating the University of Bamenda.
Mindful of decree no 2010/372 of 14th December, 2010 upgrading ENSAB into Higher Teacher
Training College (HTTC ENS) and Higher Technical Teacher Training College (HTTTC ENSET).
Mindful of decree no 2011/045 of 08th March, 2011 to organise the University of Bamenda Bambili;
Mindful of decree no 2011/319 of 3oth September2011 appointing the Vice Chancellor of the University of Bamenda.
Minfful of decree no 2011/408 Of December 9th, 2011 to Organise the Government.
Mindful of decree n° 2011/410 of December 9th , 201 1 to appoint members of Government.
Mindful of decree no 2012/366 of 6th August 2012 appointing the Director of Higher Technical Teacher Training College.
Mindful of decree no 2012/433 of 1St October, 2012 to organise the Ministry of Higher Education.
Mindful of order no 15/0045/MINESUP Concours/SG/DAUQ/SDEAC/SE of 03 March 2015 fixing the calendar of the competitive entrance examination into Schools and Faculties of State Universities for the 2015-2016 academic year.


Article 1:

A Competitive Entrance Examination into Third Year of the First Cycle of the Higher Technical Teacher Training College (H.T.T.T.C.), University of Bamenda, (HTTTC ENSET Bambili  Bamenda Concours) for the 2018-2019 academic year has been launched.

Article 2:

Admission into the Third Year of the First Cycle of H.T.T.T.C for 2015-2016 is launched with the following conditions. 


Admission into the third year of the H.T.T.T.C is open to Cameroonians of both sexes and of not more than thirty one (31) years old on 1st January 2018,  CIVIL servants are not concerned by the age limit


Candidates must be holders of the following certlficates: 

BTS, HPD, DUT or HND delivered by the Minister of Higher Education, for the following options: Building and Public works, Topography, Woodwork, Electronics, Electrotechnics, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, Mechanical Design, Mechanical Manufacturing, Automobile Mechanics, Fashion Clothing and Textile, Home Economics, Fundamental Computer Sciences, Information Management and Communication, Accountancy, Management, Marketing, Economics. Holders of the DUT must also hold the Baccalaureat, the Brevet de Technicien or the GCE Advanced Level in their speciality.

For admission into Information Management and Communication exclusively: Bachelor Degree in Letters, Law, or any equivalent certificate recognised by the Minister of Higher Education. 
For Economics: Bachelor Degree in Management, Economic Sciences or any equiValent certificate recognised by the Minister of Higher Education.
For Electrical Engineering: Bachelor Degree in Physics, Electronics / Electrotechnics / Automatism (EEA), or any equivalent certificate recognised by the Minister of Higher Education.

Article 3:

The entrance is opened Only to holders of the required diplomas at the time of publication.

Article 4:


Applications for the Competitive Entrance Examinations which must be received at H.T.T.T.C Bambili or any Regional Delegation of Secondary Education not later than Friday 05th October 2018, must include the following documents:
  1. Completed application form, whiChi is available at H.T.T.T.C Bambili, the Regional Delegations of the Ministry of Secondary Education, Government Technical High Schools of Cameroon, the website of MINESUP, and the website of the University of Bamenda or
  2. Transcripts of levels I, II and/or III of the valid qualification mentioned in Article 2 above, signed or certified where the originals were issued.
  3. A certified true copy of the birth certificate of less than three (3) months old.
  4. A certified true copy of any of the required certificates;Candidates who are holders of Baccalaureateor GCE A/L shall add a certified true copy of Probatoire or Ordinary Level;As concerns the following certificates: HND, BTS, DSEP delivered by the Minister of Higher Education, BT, DUT, Bachelor Degree, or equivalent recognised by the Minister of Higher education, add the transcripts obtained from the Students’ Affairs Office of the University Institution concerned, as well as the certified true copies of Baccalaureate and of Probatoire, or the GCE A/L and the GCE O/L.
  5. A medical certificate of less than three (3)months old, delivered by a medical Doctor of the Public Service, attesting the candidate’s fitness’to be a teacher according to the rules and regulations in force.
  6. A certificate of non-conviction of less than three (3) months old.
  7. Four (2) passport size pictures of the candidate.
  8. A receipt upon payment of twenty thousand (20,000) CFA as registration fee delivered by express exchange
  9. A stamped, self-addressed envelope of size 28 x 37.
  10. An unstamped envelope without address of size 28 x 37.
  11. A document showing that the equivalence has been formally granted for any foreign certificate contained in the candidate’s file.
Article 5:

The registration fees for the competitive entrance examination are not refundable.

Article 6:


Applicants who fulfill the requirements stipulated by the rules and regulations in force, who are sponsored by a private institution or corporation and who will be trained for private education, may be admitted with a private status in accordance with the number or. places available.

Within the limit of available places, foreign applicants who fulfill the requirements stipulated by the rules and regulations in force may also be admitted after the study of their files.

Article 7:

Complete files should be submitted to H.T.T.T.C Bambili (Admission Office) or the Regional Delegations of the Ministry of Secondary Education latest on Friday 05th October 2018.

Article 8:

(1) the examination shall comprise:

One written paper based on Multiple Choice Questions (70% of the total assessment);
Academic performance (20% of the total assessment);
An oral test (10% of the total assessment).

(2) The academic performance will be taken into account after the oral test, for final admission only.

Article 9:

The written paper based on Multiple Choice Questions will take place on Saturday 20th October 2018, for three (03) hours, in the following examination centers: Bafoussam, Bambili, Bertoua, Buea, Douala, Ebolowa, Garoua, Maroua, Ngaoundere, Yaounde.

Article 10:

(1) The distribution of papers per Department is indicated in the following table:

(2) The syllabuses of the competitive entrance examination in each section are the same as in the under graduate degree programs.

Article 11:

Marks for the paper of the written test are’ranged from zero to twenty. Any candidate who scores less than five out of twenty shall be disqualified.
The jury shall publish the list of successful candidates in the written paper per section and in alphabetical order. These candidates shall then proceed with the oral test.

Article 12:

The oral test is only for successful candidates in the written paper. It will take place in BAMBILI exclusively. Questions will cover two areas namely,  General Knowledge and Bilingual Training. The oral test aims at assessing the Candidate’s’ability, to communicate in French and English in general and especially in pedagogic communication.  

Article 13:

The academic performance will mostly be based on:

the candidate’s age. 
the number of years spent in Secondary Education
transcripts of previous university studies.
Article 14:

After the oral test, the jury shall prepare the list of successful candidates per series and in alphabetical order for publication by the Minister of Higher Education.

Article 15:

The composition of the jury mentioned in the above articles is specified by the Minister of Higher Education.

Article 16:

Registration fees as stipulated In Article 4 are not refundable.

Article 17:

The Vice Chancellor of the University of Bamenda, the Director of University Accreditations and Quality, and the Director of the Higher Technical Teacher Training College Bambili, each in his own sphere, are responsible for the implementation of this order which shall be registered and published in English and French.

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