Saturday, July 21, 2018

IRIC Concours 2018-2019 Cameroon International Cooperation, Humanitarian Action And Substainable Development

Peace – Work – Fatherland
IRIC Entrance 2018-2019 Cameroon International Cooperation. 

IRIC Concours 2018-2019 Cameroon International Cooperation, Humanitarian Action And Substainable Development (Masters).

ORDER n° 18/00517 MINESUP/ SG / DAUQ / SDEAC OF 05 JULY 2018.

To open a selection test for admission into the Master of INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION, HUMANITARIAN ACTION AND SUBSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, in partnership with the Dipartimento di Ingegnera Civile, Edile e Ambientale de l’Università degli Studi di Padova (DIP. ICEA) at the inernational Institute of Cameroon (IRIC) of the University of Yaounde Il, for the 2018-2019 academic year.


of the Constitution.
of law N° 2001/005 of 16 April 2001 on the orientation of Higher Education.
of Decree N° 2018/190 of 02 March 2018 to modify and to complete certain dispositions of the decree N° 2011/408 of 9 December 20 Il to organize the Government.
of Decree N° 2018/191 of 02 march December 2018 to reshuffle the Government.
of Decree N° 2015/434 of 02 October 2015 to reshuffle the Government.
of Decree N° 2012/433 of 01 October 2012 to organize the Ministry of Higher Education.
of Decree N° 2015/398 of 15 September 2015 to appoint Rectors in some State Universities.
of Decree N° 2013/0891 /PM of 12 March 2013 to appoint staff members at the Ministry of Higher Education.
of Decree N° 2005/342 of 10 September 2005 modifying and completing certain dispositions on decree N°93/027 of 19 January 1993 defining common dispositions applicable to University.
of Decree N° 2017/320 of 27 June 2017 appointing administrative staff in State Universities.
of Order N° 18/00091/MINESUP/SG/DAUC//SE of 22 February 2018 to organize the calendar of competitive entrance examination into Faculties, Schools and Institutions of Cameroon State Universities for 2018-2019 academic year.


ArtiArticle 1: The selection test for admission of 90 (ninety) candidates into the Master of International Cooperation, Humanitarian Action and sustainable Development will be based on the three specializations offered (International Cooperation and Decentralized Cooperation for Development, Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Action, Environmental Management and sustainable Development) in partnership with the Dipartimento di Ingegnera Civile, Edile e Ambientale de l’Università degli Studi di padova (DIP. ICEA) at the International Relations Institute of Cameroon (IRIC) for the 2018-2019 academic year. The examination shall take place in the unique center of Yaounde. The selection shall take place on 24th September 2018  in the unique center of Yaounde.

Article 2: The competitive entrance examination mentioned in Article 1 above is open to male and female Cameroonians. However, candidates who are workers and foreign candidates shall compete out of number of places mentioned above.

Article 3: The competitive entrance examination is open to holders of at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Law. Political Science, Arts or Social Sciences, Economies or Management, environment and civil engineering or any other equivalent university certificate recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education. Executives of public, parastatal or local administrations in charge of cooperation and or development and environmental issues can also submit applications.

Article 4: The selection shall be done through a rigorous review of candidates ‘applications files comprising two phases: the file review by a committee and the interview of preselected candidates by same committee.

Article 5: Teaching ofthis Master course shall be both on campus at IRIC and on line.

Article 6: The candidate’s files shall comprise the following documents:

  1. An application form to be obtained from the Student Records Office at IRIC or from the websites of the Ministry of Higher Education: http// and/or of IRIC.
  2. A certified true copy of the candidate’s birth certificate issued not more than three months before the examination date.
  3. A certified true copy of the highest certificate including transcripts certified by the competent academic authorities.
  4. A medical certificate.
  5. A curriculum vitae;
  6. A certificate of non-conviction issued not more than three (03) months before the examination date.
  7. A passport size photograph (4 x 4).
  8. A self-addressed envelope bearing a 500 FCFA postage stamp.
  9. A receipt of twenty five thousand (25.000) CFA representing the file study fees which is not refundable. The money should be pa id into account N° 1000 200069 90000231502 72, entitled CONCOURS IRIC CA2D, at SCB zo” May Branch (opposite MINESUP).

NB.: The payment of the said examination fees depend on the deliverance of a clearance form by the bursar of IRIC after verification of the candidates file by the Student Records Office of IRIC.

Article 7: Deadline for the reception of complete application files is Thursday 20th September 2018, at 5 pm. At the Student Records office of IRIC. Incomplete files and files that are deposited after the deadline shall be rejected.

Article 8: The Director of University Accreditation and Quality, the Rector of the University of Yaoundé II and the Director of IRIC are responsible for the execution of this order which shall be registered and communicated in English and French when and where ever need arises.

Written examination:

24 September 2018:
9:00 to 12:00 a.m. Paper I: International Relations and Regional Integration Issues.
2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Paper II: Language

The oral examination will be scheduled later.
Deadline for the reception of application files:  Thursday 20th September 2018.

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