Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Concours SVMS of the University of Ngaoundere 2018-2019: Level 1 cycle of Veterinary Doctors

Concours SVMS of the University of Ngaoundere 2018-2019: Level 1 cycle of Veterinary Doctors


COMMUNIQUE N°. 18/00253 /MINESUP /SG/ DAUQ/SDEAC /SE of 17 April 2018.

To launch the competitive entrance examination and fixing the number of places for admission intoLevel 1 of the cycle of Veterinary Doctors of the School of Veterinary Medicine and Sciences( Concours SVMS of the University of Ngaoundere 2018-2019 ) of the University of Ngaoundere for the 2018/2019 academic year. 


Mindful ~
of the Constitution,
of law n° 005 of 16 April 2004 orientating Higher Education.
of Decree n° 2011/408 of 09 December 2011 organising the Government.
of Decree n° 2011/410 of 09 December 2011 appointing Members of Government.
of Decree n02012/433 of lst October 2012 to organising the Ministry of Higher Education.
of Decree n° 2012/333 of 29 June 20112 appointing a Vice-Chancellor and Rectors in some State University.
of Decree n° 2012/366 of 06 August 2012 appointing persons in State University.
of Decree n° 2013/0891/PM of 12 mars 2013 appointing persons in the Ministry of Higher education.
of Order n° 9/0121/MINESUP/DDES of 28 April 2009 to create and open the Professional Training Program Biomedical and Heath Sciences at the Faculty of Science of the University of Ngaoundere.
of Decree n° 2004/320 of December 2004 organise to Government modified and completes by Decree n° 2007/268 of September 07, 2007.
of Decree n° 2004/322 of 8 December 2004 consulting the Government modified and completed by Decree n° 2007/269 of oz” September, 2007 reshuffling Government.
of Decree n° 98/231 of 28 September 1998 to organise the Ministry of Higher Education.
of Decree n° 92/074 of 13 April 1992 to transform the University Centres of- Buea and Ngaoundere into Universities.
of Decree n° 93/026 of 19 January 1993 to create Universities.
of Decree n° 93/027 of 19 January 1993 to define the provisions common to ail Universities.
of Decree n° 93/028 of 19 January 1993 for administrative and academic organisation of the University of Ngaoundere.
of Decree n° 95/061 of 03 April 1995 organising the National School of Agro-Industrial Sciences (ENSAI) of the University of Ngaoundere;
of Decree n02012/433 of 01 October 2012 for the organisation of the Ministry of Higher Education.
of Order n° 17/00056/MINESUP/DAUQ/SDEAC/SE of 22 February 2018, fixing the calendar of the competitive examinations into the Cameroon States Universities for 2018-2019 academic year.

On the proposal of the Rector of the University of Ngaoundéré.


Article 1:

A competitive entrance examination for admission of thirty (30) students into Level 1 of the School of Medicine and Veterinary Sciences of the University of Ngaoundere for the 2018/2019 academic year will take place on the following date and centres: 9th September, 2018 in Ngaoundéré, Buea, Dschang, Maroua and Yaounde.

Artide 2:

The entrance examination is open to Cameroonians of both sexes who are holders of the baccalauréat (series C or D), the General Certificate of Education Advanced Level in at least three science subjects including Biology, and the GCE “O” Level, or any other equivalent certificate recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education.

Citizens of member countries of the Central African Economic Union (CEMAC) which have ratified texts on national treatment of students and who are holders of equivalent qualifications are eligible to write the entrance examination under the same conditions as their Cameroonian counterparts. 

Cameroonian candidates and those from other countries including CEMAC member countrieswho wish to not write the entrance examination, but hold a scholarship from their Government or international organisation, may apply for direct admission which is contingent upon the number of available places (maximum ten places) and payment of FCFA 1.000.000 (one million)per year as tuition fees.

Article 3:

Each candidate should forward to the Students’ Records Service of ESMV, not later than September 7th, 2018, a complete application file comprising the following documents:

  1. An application form obtainable from the ESMV of the University of Ngaoundere, other six State Universities (Inter-University Co-operation Service), Regional Delegations of Secondary Education, the University of Dschang’s off-campus stations in Yaounde (Nkolbisson), Maroua, Ebolowa, Bambili and Belabo and the Ngaoundere university’s antena in Yaounde (Nkolbisson) and Bertoua. It can also be obtained from the web site of the Ministry of Higher Education: http:// www.minesup.gov.com or  A certified true photocopy of the GCE “A” Level certificate, “baccalauréat” (scientific series) or an equivalent certificate; or a certified copy of results slip.
  2. Certified true photocopies of “baccalauréat” and “probatoire” transcripts or a certified photocopy of GCE “A” and “O” results.
  3. A certified true photocopy of birth certificate (issued not more than 3 months earlier).
  4. A medical certificate signed by a Government Medical Practitioner.
  5. 4 recent pas sport size photographs (4×4).
  6. A receipt upon payment of  fifteen thousands FCFA (15.000 FCFA) as application fees. The application fees are paid either into the bank account N° 01207980601/11 in ECOBANK, or through Express Union or Express Exchange toESMV (University of Ngaoundéré). 
  7. A large (A4 size) self-addressed stamped envelope (postage determined with the contents of file) with full address of the candidate or parents.

Article 4: The application fees are non – refundable.

Article 5: Only candidates who submit complete application files shall be authorised to write the entrance examination.

Article 6: 

Concours SVMS of the University of Ngaoundere 2018-2019:The entrance examination shall comprise a written part and an assessment of candidates’ previous academie records.The written examination shall comprise the following papers:

Concours SVMS of the University of Ngaoundere 2018-2019: Level 1 cycle of Veterinary Doctors

3) The examination syllabuses are the same as those used in the classes preparing for the required certificates that are, the GCE “A” Level and baccalauréat.

Article 7:

(1) Each paper shall be marked out of 20 points and a score below 04/20 in any of the papers shall eliminate the candidate.

(2) Assessment of candidates’ previous academic records shall be based on the following:

Baccalauréat and Probatoire transcripts (francophone candidates).General Certificate of Education “A” Level and “0” Level results.The number oftimes the candidate repeated between “0” and “A” levels.The number of years after graduate the GCE “A” level.

Article 8:

The final mark in the examination shall be calculated as follows: 80% for the written examination and 20% for the candidate’s previous academic records.The results shall be compiled and prepared by a jury appointed by the Minister of Higher Education.

Article 9:

The Rector of the University of Ngaoundere, the Director of the University Accreditations and Quality and the Director of the School of Veterinary Medicine and Sciences are, each in his capacity, responsible for the implementation of this decision which shall be registered and published in English and French wherever need be.

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