Saturday, January 13, 2018

FMSB Garoua: National qualifying examination for medical training in Cameroon 2018-2019


Concours FMSB de Garoua 2018-2019: 85 étudiants Examen National d’Aptitude à la Formation Médicale au Cameroun.

ORDER N° 18/00002/ MINESUP/SG/CNFMP/na OF 11 JAN 2018

To launch the National qualifying examination for medical training in Cameroon for the 2017-2018 academic year at the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of Garoua.


Mindful of

The Constitution
The Libreville Declaration on the building the CEMAC zone for Higher Education, research and professional training on 11 February 2005.
Guideline No. 01/06- UEAC- 019-CM-14 of 11 March 2006 to implement the BMD system (Bachelor, Master, Doctorate) in Universities and Institutions of Higher Education in the CEMAC zone.
Guideline No. 02/06-UEAC-019-CM-14 of 11 March 2006 to organize University studies in the CEMAC zone within the framework of the BMD system.
Law No.2001/ 005 of 16 April 2001 on the orientation of Higher Education.
Law No. 2007/006 of 26 December 2007 of the financial regime of the State.
Decree No. 73/796 of 20 December 1973 to reorganize the University Center for Health Sciences.
Decree No. 92/074 of 13 April 1992 to transform the University Centers of Buea and Ngaoundere into Universities.
Decree No. 93/026 of 19 January 1993 to create Universities.
Decree No. 93/027 of 19 January 1993 to lay down general provisions applicable to Universities as amended and completed by Decree N°2005/342 of 10 September.
Decree No. 2001/832/PM of 19 September 2001 to lay down general provisions applicable to Private Institutions of Higher Education.
Decree 2010/971 of 14 December 2010 to create a State University in Bamenda.
Decree No. 2011/408 of 9 December 2011 to organize the Government.
Decree No. 2011/410 of 9 December 2011 to appoint members of government.
Decree No. 2012/433 of 1 October 2012 to organize the Ministry of Higher Educafion.
Decree No. 2013/093 of 3 April 2013 to organize the Ministry of Public Health.
Decree No. 2013/159 of 15 May 2013 to determine the special regime for the administrative control of State finances.
Decree N°2018/004 of 08th January 2018 to create the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of Garoua.
Order No. OSS/PM of 10 June 2013 on the creation, organization and functioning of the National Commission for Medical and Pharmaceutical Training in Cameroon.


Article 1.- (1) A National qualifying examination for the admission of eighty five (85) students into the first year of medical and biomedical studies in the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of Garoua is hereby launched for the 2017/2018 academic year, according to the following distribution:

(2) Papers of the above mentioned examinations shall be written in the University of Yaounde I, the University of Ngaoundere, and the center of Garoua on Sunday 28th January 2018.

Article 2.-

Admission into the first year of training of medical doctors in the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of Garoua shall be open to Cameroonian of both sexes and shall be written in one session.Foreign candidates can also site for admission within the limits of places available.Eligible candidates for the entrance into first year shall be aged twenty three (23) years at most as at 1St January of the year of the examination.

Article 3.- The national qualifying examination shall be reserved for holders of the following certificates :

Baccalaureat of the General Secondary Education in series C or D.General Certificate of Education passed according to specified requirements and in the following subjects: GCE Advanced Level in Biology and Chemistry, GCE Ordinary level in Biology, Chemistry and Physics or Mathematics.Any other certificate recognized as equivalent by the Minister of Higher Education.

Article 4.- A candidate shall only sit for three successive competitive examinations.

Article 5- (1) Complete application files shall comprise the following documents:

An individual information sheet duly filled by the candidate to be downloaded from the sites and . The form, bearing an identification number shall be printed by the candidate.
A certified true copy of the birth certificate of less than 6 months.A certified true copy of the required certificate for the national examination.
4 colour passport size photographs with the names of the candidate at the back.A medical certificate attesting that the person concerned is fit to study medicine.A Baccalaureat or GCE/AL transcript.
A Probatoire or GCE /OL transcript.
The receipt of payment of the sum of twenty thousand (20,000) CFAF as registration fees for the examination, bearing the field of study, to the address of the Financial Agent of the Department of University Accreditations and Quality (DAUQ), issued from any Express Union branch to Express Union Warda Branch, Yaounde.Two stamped self-addressed envelopes.

(2) Complete application files shall be submitted latest on the 24th January 2018 in the following institutions: 

Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the University of Yaounde IFaculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Douala.
Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Bamenda.
Faculty of Health Sciences of University of Buea.
Faculty of Sciences of the University of Dschang.
Higher Teachers’ Training School of the University of Maroua.Faculty of Science of the University of Ngaoundere.
Governor’s Office Bertoua, East Region.
Governor’s Office Garoua, North Region.
Branch of the Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences of the University of Dschang, Ebolowa.

Article 6‘-

(1) Only candidates who have registered online shall submitted their complete application file in one of the above institutions.

(2) These candidates should be authorized to write with their national identity card.

Article 7 – Examination centres shall be created by a press release by the Minister of Higher Educauon

Article 8.- The examination shall consist of:

A paper on the study of academic record:(coefficient 1).Written papers : (coefficient 4).A paper on general knowledge (coefficient 1).

Article 9: The study of academic record (coefficient 1) shall take into consideration:

Results of the Baccalaureat or GCE/AL.Age of the candidat.Number of years spent in the 2“ cycle of the secondary school.

Article 10.-

The written examination shall consist of the following papers for a duration of three hours.Biology – coefficient 2.Physics – coefficient 1.Chimistry – coefficient 1.Each paper for the written examination shall be graded from zero (0) to one hundred (100). Any mark lower than twenty (20) scored during the written paper shall be eliminatory.The national examination programme shall be that of the baccalaureat in series D or C or GCE/AL in Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Article 11.- The general knowledge paper shall focus on general knowledge, logic and French or English.

Article 12.– After the study of files and at the end of the written examination, the jury appointed by the Minister of Higher Education shall draw up a list of successful candidates in the national qualifying examination by order of merit.

Article 13.– The final results shall be published through a press release by the Minister of Higher Education according to quotas defined by article 1 of this Order.

Article 14.– The Rector the University of Ngaoundere and the Director of University Accreditations and Quality of the Ministry of Higher Education are responsible, each in his own sphere, for the implementation of this Order which shall be registered and published wherever need arises. 

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